Monday, June 28, 2010
5 presenter televisiu yang terbaik
1. Erin Andrew, Amerika Serikat(ESPN)
2. Melissa Theuriau, Perancis
3. Gheorgie Thompson,Inggris (Sky Sport news)
4. Ines Sainz, Meksico
5. Sara Carbonero, Spanyol
Friday, June 11, 2010
Gurun pasir yang eksotis
Salah satu tempat tersebut adalah Padang Pasir Putih juga dikenal sebagai Sahara el Beyda. Padang ini berada di dekat oasis terkecil di Mesir, Farfara. Karena kebanyakan dari kita tahu, gurun pasir berwarna kuning, namun, di Gurun pasir Putih yang mengejutkan adalah bagaimana tempat ini mendapat namanya. Pada malam hari, tempat ini tampak seperti lanskap bersalju.
Meskipun tempat ini dilindungi cagar alam, pengunjung dari berbagai belahan dunia terkadang sering merusak atau mengambil batu.
9 hal yang mengejutkan tentang cina
2. Lebih dari 4.000 bayi di Cina diberi nama ”Pertandingan Olimpiade” (Olympic Games) ketika negara itu sedang bersiap-siap menyelenggarakan Beijing 2008.
Lebih dari sekedar satu kebanggaan bagi Cina, Olimpiade Beijing menjadi bagian yang begitu penting dari kesadaran nasional hingga lebih dari 4.000 bayi diberi nama menurut perhelatan akbar itu. Sebagian besar dari 4.104 anak yang bernama ”Aoyun”, yang artinya olimpiade, dilahirkan sekitar tahun 2000 sewaktu Beijing sedang berupaya diterima menjadi tuan rumah perhelatan olahraga musim panas 2008 itu. Kebanyakan anak yang diberi nama Aoyun adalah laki-laki.
3. Setiap tahun di Cina menghabiskan 45 miliar sumpit.
Di Cina, setiap tahunnya, diperkirakan 45 miliar pasang sumpit dipakai dan dibuang sesudahnya. Itu sama dengan 1,7 juta m3 kayu atau 500 ribu pohon setiap tahunnya.
4. 200 juta warga Cina hidup dengan kurang dari 1 dollar per hari.
Yang termasuk ke dalam golongan miskin di Cina adalah warga yang penghasilannya di bawah 1,25 dollar per hari. Pada tahun 1981 angka rata-rata warga yang miskin adalah 64% dari total penduduk Cina. Angka ini turun jadi 10% di tahun 2004, berarti dalam rentang waktu 1981 – 2004 ada 500 juta warga yang berhasil keluar dari kemiskinan.
5. Lebih dari 700 juta warga Cina minum air tercemar.
Cina berkontribusi terhadap 20% jumlah penduduk dunia, namun hanya memiliki 7% dari sumber air dunia. Celakanya lagi, menurut World Bank, 90% air tanah perkotaan dan 75% sungai dan danau sudah tercemar. Ini berarti 700 juta warga Cina minum air tercemar setiap harinya.
6. Es krim dan pasta mungkin pertama kali diciptakan di Cina.
Sekitar tahun 200 sebelum Masehi di Cina sudah diciptakan semacam campuran beku susu dan beras yang jadi cikal bakal es krim. Juga di sebuah lokasi penggalian arkeologi di bagian barat Cina, diketemukan semangkuk mie berusia 4.000 tahun, yang mungungkapkan Cina mungkin lebih dulu menciptakan pasta daripada Italia.
7. Lebih dari 50% barang palsu yang berada di masyarakat Eropa berasal dari Cina.
Sebanyak 54% barang yang melanggar hak cipta yang beredar di Eropa ternyata pemasok utamanya adalah Cina. CD/DVD merupakan peringkat pertama barang tiruan yakni sebanyak 79 juta keping, berarti 44% dari jumlah seluruh barang tiruan, diikuti oleh rokok (23%) dan pakaian serta pernak-pernik.
8. Cina masih belum bebas dari wabah penyakit abad pertengahan Eropa.
Di tahun 2009 Cina mengakhiri karantina sebuah kota di sebelah barat laut yang diserang wabah radang paru-paru (pneumonia). Meledaknya penyakit yang sangat menular itu menewaskan 3 penduduk desa di sekitar kota Ziketan di propinsi Qing-Hai. Wabah penyakit itu secara sporadis berjangkit di Cina, khususnya disebarkan oleh hewan pengerat dan kutu, serta mudah menular antar manusia.
9. Menjelang tahun 2025 Cina akan sudah membangun 10 kota metropolitan seukuran New York.
Skala dan langkah urbanisasi Cina akan terus berlanjut dengan kecepatan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Bila kecendrungan seperti sekarang tetap bertahan, penduduk perkotaan Cina akan membengkak dari 572 juta di tahun 2005 menjadi 926 juta di tahun 2025 dan bakal mencapai angka 1 miliar di tahun 2030. Jadi dalam jangka waktu 20 tahun penduduk kota-kota Cina akan bertambah sebanyak 350 juta lebih banyak dari seluruh penduduk AS hari ini. Menjelang tahun 2025 Cina akan memiliki 219 kota yang berpenghuni diatas 1 juta. Juga akan dibangun 40 miliar m3 lantai ruang di 5 juta bangunan. 50.000 dari bangunan tersebut merupakan gedung pencakar langit – sama dengan 10 kota sebesar New York.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
cheat farcry2
To enable these cheats make a shortcut on your desktop to your Far Cry 2 executable. It can be found in /Program Files/Ubisoft/Far Cry 2/bin/farcry2.exe Add any of the cheats below to the shortcut, start the game and they will be enabled. Example, unlimited reliability & weapons unlock: "C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Far Cry 2\bin\FarCry2.exe" -GameProfile_UnlimitedReliability 1 -GameProfile_AllWeaponsUnlock 1 NOTE #1 Do not use the God Mode or the Unlimited Ammo codes until you have completed the tutorial, that means AFTER you have delivered the tape to the church. If you do so anyway you will become stuck. NOTE #2 These cheats were tested with Far Cry 2 version 1.01.
Code Effect
-GameProfile_GodMode 1 god mode, only enter AFTER completion of tutorial
-GameProfile_SkipIntroMovies 1 simply skips the intro movies for quicker play
-GameProfile_UnlimitedAmmo 1 unlimited ammo, only enter AFTER completion of tutorial
-GameProfile_UnlimitedReliability 1 unlimited reliablity, never have your gun jam!
-GameProfile_AllWeaponsUnlock 1 Unlocks weapons, note that it will only unlock the weapons avaible at that part of the map.
Contributed By: Ripp3rDK.
Unlock exclusive missions
Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes. They are available later during the course of the game.
Password Effect
zUmU6Rup Unlock exclusive bonus missions
sa7eSUPR Unlock secret missions
tar3QuzU Unlock secret missions
THaCupR4 Unlock secret missions
6aPHuswe Unlocks more exclusive missions.
96CesuHu Unlocks more exclusive missions.
SpujeN7x Unlocks more exclusive missions.
Foto ini terdapat di website musium canada. wajar gak sih ada t-shirt, kacamata hitam dan kamera multi zoom pada tahun segitu?
Sebuah PDA, Laptop dan HP pada 70 tahun lalu?
Menurut foto ini dari stasiun kereta bawah tanah Moskow "Kievskaia" itu terlihat jelas bahwa kudeta Komunis begitu berhasil karena bantuan Time traveler yang datang dari masa depan dilengkapi dengan PDA, ponsel dan laptop? masa iya?
Ukiran Astronot di tahun 1700an?
Ini ditemukan di salah satu pilar gereja Katedral Salamanca, pada abad ke-16. awalnya pahatan patung tersebut di anggap lelucon, tetapi sekarang telah menimbulkan pertanyaan besar?
cheat gta chinatown wars
# Cheat mode
Enter one of the following codes while playing the game and outside of a safehouse. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Note: Enabling codes disables the autosave feature.
Extra armor
While playing the game, press L(2), R, X(2), Circle(2), R.
Extra health and armor
While playing the game, press L(2), R, Circle(2), X(2), R. Note: Enabling this code while in a vehicle will also repair all of its damage.
Weapon tier 1
While playing the game, press R, Up, X, Down, Left, R, X, Right to unlock the minigun, nightstick, Desert Eagle pistol, stubby assault rifle, mini SMG, stubby shotgun, and grenades.
Weapon tier 2
While playing the game, press R, Up, Circle, Down, Left, R, Circle, Right to unlock the mini flamethrower, taser, dual Desert Eagle pistols, assault rifle, SMG, double barrel shotgun, and Molotov cocktails.
Weapon tier 3
While playing the game, press R, Up, Square, Down, Left, R, Square, Right to unlock the big flamethrower, chainsaw, revolver, assault rifle, SMG, double barrel shotgun, and proximity mines.
Weapon tier 4
While playing the game, press R, Up, Triangle, Down, Left, R, Triangle, Right to unlock the rocket launcher, stubby assault rifle, baseball bat, Desert Eagle pistol, mini SMG, stubby shotgun, and flashbang grenades.
Explosive Desert Eagle ammunition
While playing the game, press L, R, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Up, Down. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
Increase wanted level
While playing the game, press L(2), R, Square(2), Triangle(2), R.
Decrease wanted level
While playing the game, press R, Triangle(2), Square(2), R, L(2). Note: This code only decreases the wanted level by one star and must be repeated until it is completely removed.
Sunny weather
While playing the game, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, X, L, R.
Very sunny weather
While playing the game, press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Triangle, L, R.
Cloudy weather
While playing the game, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Triangle, Square, L, R.
Rainy weather
While playing the game, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Circle, L, R.
Thunderstorm weather
While playing the game, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Triangle, R, L.
Hurricane weather
While playing the game, press Up, Down, Left, Right, X, Square, R, L.
Foggy weather
While playing the game, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, X, R, L.
# Xin missions
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding mission:
"Xin's Of The Father" mission: Successfully complete the "Deadly Xin" mission and have no wanted level.
# Regenerating health
Successfully complete both noodle delivery missions with a "Gold" rank.
# Better body armor
Successfully complete all five Vigilante mission levels with a 100% kill rate.
# Immunity to fire
Successfully complete the Firefighter missions with a "Gold" rank.
# Ammu-nation store discount
Earn Gold medals on all weapons at the gun club.
# Upgraded delivery bag
Successfully complete both mail courier missions with a "Gold" rank.
# Infinite sprint
Successfully complete all five Paramedic missions with 100% lives saved.
# Bulletproof taxis
Drop off fifteen consecutive passengers without the timer running out. Then, all taxis that you enter will be bulletproof.
# Gold medal for weapons
Get a score of 10,000 or more for a weapon to get a Gold medal for it.
# Bonus vehicles
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding vehicle at the Boabo auto dealer:
500 XLR8: Get a Bronze or better medal in all Algonquin races.
Banshee: Successfully complete the "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" mission.
Bulldozer: Successfully complete the "Counterfeit Gangster" mission.
Cityscape: Get a Bronze or better medal in all time trials.
Cognoscetti: Successfully complete the "Grave Situation" mission.
Comet: Successfully complete the "Jackin Chan" mission.
Coquette: Successfully complete the "Raw Deal" mission.
Formula R: Get a Bronze or better medal in all street races.
Go-Kart: Get a Bronze or better medal in all Go-Kart time trials.
Hearse: Successfully complete the "Wheelman" mission.
Hellenbach: Successfully complete the "Bomb Disposal" mission.
Infernus: Successfully complete the "Cash & Burn" mission.
Limo: Successfully complete all of Guy's missions.
MK GT9: Get a Bronze or better medal in all Broker and Dukes races.
NRG 900: Successfully complete the "Wheelman" mission.
Patriot: Successfully complete the "Wheelman" mission.
Resolution X: Successfully complete the "Pimp His Ride" mission.
Rhino: Successfully complete all story missions.
Sabre GT: Successfully complete the "Operation Northwood" mission.
Style SR: Get a Bronze or better medal in all Bohan races.
# Wetscapade mini-game
There is a Wet Ski mini-game called "Wetscapade" hidden beside a small dock between Lancet and
# Avoid hotwiring cars
Use the following trick to avoid hotwiring a car with your tools or PDA. Enter the car, then immediately exit and get back in. You should now be able to start the car. Note: The car alarm may briefly turn on.
# Avoid paying tolls
As you approach a toll booth on a bridge, exit your car. If done correctly, your car will glide through the booth. You can then get back in the car without paying the toll and not getting a wanted level.
# Go-Kart
Go to the bottom right corner of the first island (where Mikhail Faustin's house is in GTA 4). Go all the way down to the bottom until reaching the last house, then go three houses to the right. Go into the back garden to find a Go-Kart. Note: If it does not appear, go to the front door, and return and it will appear if you are at the correct house.
# Easily complete "Store Wars" mission
To easily complete this mission, first get a police car, and log onto the police computer. Search for an arson crime (fire making criminals). Do the Vigilante mission as usual, but when you kill the criminals, pick up the flame-throwers. Start the "Store Wars" mission, and quickly park two cars at each end so it makes it difficult for the vans to get past. Let the vans drive towards you (or you go towards them). Equip the flame thrower, and hold A for approximately two seconds. The vans will explode very quickly.
# "Here Be Dragons!" message
Take a boat to any corner of the map to see the message "Here Be Dragons!" message on the ocean floor.
# Grand Theft Auto 4 reference
Walk across the street from the
# Trophies
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding trophy at your apartment:
Diamond Pillbox: Deal 30 downers.
Gold Medal: Get a score of at least 10,000 for a weapon.
Golden Binoculars: Discover 40 drug dealers.
Jeweled Bong: Deal 30 weed.
Jeweled Key To The City: Own all 21 safehouses.
Platinum Syringe: Purchase 5 heroin.
Silver Safe: Gain a $2,000 drug profit.
Titanium Briefcase: Discover all 80 drug dealers.
Wooden Spoon: Incur a $500 drug loss.
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